Wednesday, May 26, 2010

random reflections posted on my facebook account...

"...listening to a beautiful homily or hearing a truly inspiring Scriptural reading means nothing unless we allow ourselves to really experience what they tell us..."

"...if you have not started yet, embark on a journey of knowing the truth about yourself -- your strengths as well as weaknesses, your selfless as well as selfish motivations, your drives as well as your fears -- because being unaware of these realities, you will live in an unreal world with false hopes and expectation..."

"...the voices and noises brought about by words and works of our daily lives are unavoidable, they have a real place in our journey called LIFE... but the precious value of SILENCE as a balanced counterpart is also necessary... may we always find time for SILENT REFLECTION and PRAYER..."

"... true and lasting peace is not something that is thrown at us and we are just passive recipients... we must seek it, work for it and/or pursue it... and true peace cannot come from domination, deceit and/or deprivation of other people's rights..." -- inspired by 24...

"..the roads of this earthly existence lead but to grave therefore it's imperative for us to keep this always in mind... i'm not saying that our life is futile nor expressing the fleeting nature of life & feelings - just the minding our mortality, we struggle to make our lives valuable, meaningful, fruitful and joyful.. i believe that death is not an end to life but a change in it -- what that change will be is dependent on the road we take or the direction we follow..."