Act of Love of the Holy Parish Priest of Ars
I love you, Oh my God, and my only desire is to love you until my last breath.
I love you, Oh infinitely loveable God, and I prefer to die loving you than to live a single moment without loving you.
I love you, Oh my God, and I long for heaven only in order to know the bliss of loving you perfectly.
I love you, Oh my God, and I only fear going to hell because there I will never experience the sweet consolation of loving you.
Oh my God, if my tongue is not able to say at every opportunity that I love you, I want at least my heart to repeat it to you as many times as I take a breath.
My God, give me the grace of suffering out of love for you, of loving you while I suffer. Give me the grace of one day breathing my last out of love for you and at the same time feeling how much I love you.
The closer that i come to my final end the more I beseech you to intensify and perfect my love for you. Amen.

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