Tuesday, December 15, 2009


People were asking me whether I'm comfortable and adjusting well in my new environment. They ask how can they help or give me something more. I'm really touched by the care and concern they show. My usual reply is: "I am comfortable and adjusting well. If there is anything I can think of (later) that I need, I will surely inform you."

This led me to ask and ponder on this question: "What is the gauge or measure of comfort?" I say to myself, as long as, I have a roof to stay, heater during the cold winter nights, air conditioner during hot summer days, hot or cold water as the need calls for, and be able to communicate back home, I'm COMFORTABLE. This may sound so simplistic but to add to that... If I can see people caring and concerned for me, I will definitely be comfortable... What more can I ask for? The rest, I think are just trappings (little luxuries). I remind myself that as a "missionary" here, I just came with two luggages and I was COMFORTABLE with it.

The few "material" comforts I'm enjoying here are already better compared to what I enjoy back home. But as I mentioned above, true comfort (for me) is not measured by what I have and enjoy but it is measured by the outpouring of love, care, and concern that I experience -- and I'm definitely comfortable already!

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